Saturday, August 1, 2015

Plentiful Summer Harvests and Fall plantings!

Garden greetings!

Praise God for all the ways He is sharing our garden to many in our community!  The plentiful summer harvest of tomatoes and other veggie favorites have provided many blessings as shared to our garden (and church!) members, S.A.F.E. food pantry, and Box of Blessings recipients!  Thanks be to God!  And to all of our hard working and dedicated garden members and angels! 

Our 7th Annual Tomato Sandwich Supper was enjoyed by many this past Sunday afternoon as we shared in fellowship together along with lots of ‘mater sandwiches and sides!   Thank you to all those that were able to join us and help!

Our fall plantings have commenced and we look forward to sharing an abundance of greens and rooted delights to many which includes a new 8-week offering of our Box of Blessings (10/1-11/24)!  We will be adding 5 regular shares to our 10 donated offerings providing the opportunity for some of you to personally enjoy our harvest as well as continued donations to those in need.  Regular shares for the 8 week session would be $200 and the cost for donated shares would only be $100 (with the garden donating the balance).  Official signups for this new offering to be in next week’s newsletter…or you can reserve your share by contacting me today!

We continually praise God for His gift of The Garden of Concord as he teaches and enables us to work and take care of His creation by growing and sharing good food and friendships with many!  Thank you all for your continued prayers and support of our garden!

It WILL be good!
-Donna Poe
Garden Coordinator