Sunday, January 2, 2011

"Just gardening..." NOT in January!

Yes, the garden is most definitely sleeping soundly while we gardeners rest as well, and begin looking forward to another year of abundant harvests in 2011!

Thank you everyone for your help, support, donations, and prayers for a great past WAS really good!

While we won’t be turning any dirt or planting until later next month, we will be turning the pages of seed catalogs and planting new ideas at our Garden Advisory Board meeting on January 17th at 6:30 pm at Concord UMC. The public is invited to join us while we share thoughts and suggestions for our continued growth to include crop selections, garden events, and the possibility of seasonal memberships.

What a great New Year’s resolution towards a healthier lifestyle…

”Grow in the Garden of Concord!"

It WILL be good!

-Donna Poe