"The seed of Christ is in us all, and under the right conditions it will grow!"
The conditions are right in The Garden of Concord as there is an abundance of life from the seeds and members planted! In April we renewed several memberships, welcomed many new families, and were blessed by more garden angels. Presently we have 37 families of gardeners working and taking care of God’s creation and 13 garden angels helping to provide for His creation. Lots of garden Thyme shared with Kidz too! Thank you everyone and if you haven’t already, come grow with us!
April began with our “Blessing of the Garden” led by Eric Prenshaw and shared with our garden family, friends, and Crosswave, followed by many hands making light work of prepping and building new beds. It WAS very good! The Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 24th continued into the garden with the kids harvested Easter egg radishes, sowing seeds of beans, and ending the day with the planting of a 10’ cross in the East center of the garden. It was also the final planting and end of Eric’s internship with our garden. We will miss him!
We’ve added 12 new beds for more planting of vegetables, fruits, and flowers to include butterfly, hummingbird, beneficial, and cut flower gardens, raspberries, grapevines, and many melons! All of our spring plantings are gaining full speed with several already producing such as lots of lettuce, turnip and beet greens, kale, radishes, Chinese cabbage, asparagus, spinach, and herbs. Looking forward to peas, broccoli, strawberries and blueberries soon, as well as 50lb cabbage heads!
The chickens are growing as well! The first flock is now 10 weeks old and will be moving to the garden soon! The second group will follow in a few weeks. We have a few more that were just hatched to bring our total to 10 feathered friends. No roosters..just hens with lots of eggs to share beginning in the fall!
We will again be having our annual Mother’s Day Flower Sale as a fundraiser for the garden. 4” wrapped potted plants will be available for purchase on Mother’s Day weekend (5/7-8) for $5.00 each or 5 for $20. Thank you in advance for your support towards our garden as well as shopping at J & J Produce (Stanley and Vivian Jones), as they so graciously donate to our garden every year the flowers and many other plantings.
We will be having a “First Fruits Pot Luck Lunch” and shower for Eric and his fiancĂ©, Carley, on May 21st from 12-2. Please consider joining us as we share in fellowship, food, and farewell to Eric and celebrate his upcoming wedding. All are welcome to bring a covered dish and use any produce from the garden. An invitation with more details will follow shortly.
Thank you everyone for your continued prayers and support of our garden. Come grow with us and/or watch us grow on Facebook (The Garden of Concord) and our blog (thegardenofconcord.blogspot.com).
It WILL be good!
Many garden blessings,
Donna Poe