Monday, July 4, 2011

FIREWORKS in the garden with lots of RED tomatoes, WHITE potatoes, and berry good BLUEberries!

Happy July everyone and thank you for all of your help, support, and prayers for our garden. Our hot nights have been on fire with many members and kids (and chickens) working and taking care of our garden while enjoying abundant harvests graced by our God. We have been sliding into summer on Monday nights with lots of water fun, water pools, and watermelon and will continue through the remaining summer. Come splash with us…it WILL be cool! “Kidz Thyme” from 6-7pm on Wednesday nights has now been paralleled with “Garden Gritz” at 6:30 every week for a short water break and chat about garden tips and topics.

While we have retired most of our spring plantings, we are still harvesting Swiss chard, carrots, lots of basil, dill, parsley, and other herbs, along with a few strawberries still sighted. We have begun harvesting blueberries, beans (green, yellow, and burgundy!), potatoes, jalapeno and banana peppers, leeks, and even a few tomatoes! Stock up on your Duke’s mayo because we have over 200 tomato plants in ground to harvest until the first frost. The peppers and eggplant have begun flowering while the beds of sweet potatoes, cantaloupes, cucumbers, and watermelons are all filling up fast. We also look forward to one of our newest plantings..Edamame beans!

This past month we had our first gathering of our Summer Series “Nurturing our Nutrition” with the class, "Learn How To Make Cultured Vegetables" led by garden member, Denise Kennedy. Over 20 people shared in fellowship and tastings while listening and participating in a hands on demonstration along with a great Q & A session about general nutrition. Our next class will be on the 31st of this month from 2-4pm with Ron Veitel, the general manager and chef from Saxapahaw General Store sharing a presentation on nutrition and the benefits of consuming healthy, organic, and locally grown foods. More information will be provided soon. Also save the date for Friday the 29th to attend our Tomato Sandwich Dinner from 6-8pm. Yum!

Our next GAB (Garden Advisory Board) meeting will be held on Thursday, July 7th at 7pm and is open to anyone interested in sharing ideas and/or learning more about our garden.

Thank you again everyone for a super summer! Praying for many July blessings (and more rain)!

It WILL be good!

-Donna Poe