Thursday, September 8, 2011

Feelin’ Like Fall!

Greetings from the Garden of Concord! As our summer season and final wave of water nights is upon us, we are excited about the fresh fall “fruits” now planted and planned! We look forward to a bounty of Brussels sprouts, lots of lettuce, beets, turnips, sugar snap peas, kale, okra, and carrots. It is never too late to join the garden!

We are still harvesting some tomatoes, peppers, beans, eggplant, basil, and melons with sweet potatoes soon! Our chickens are averaging a colorful 9 eggs per day and we suspect that they are all now laying. They are also very food demanding so please remember them with any discarded fruits (especially melon rinds) and veggies (not moldy). Our Kidz Thyme will continue through the fall on Monday nights along with shared tid bits during Garden Gritz!

Our summer series, “Nurturing our Nutrition” concluded last month with an informative canning class given by Jessica Oswald from the Alamance County Extension Agency. Thank you everyone for your participation and donations! For next year, we are considering “Getting Back into the Kitchen” for a series of guest chefs! For our 3rd Annual Harvest Celebration Dinner on 8/26, we had a roomful of family, friends, food, and fellowship!

Thank you again everyone for your continued help, support, donations, and prayers for The Garden of Concord!

It WILL be good!
