Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Plenty of PIZZA Plantings Growing in the Garden!

(7/3/12) **Sorry this posting is late!
Hi everyone.  As we move into the heat of the summer, our garden is on fire with many pizza plantings to include plenty of peppers, tons of tomatoes, and the beginning of construction for our brick pizza oven!  We enjoyed a pizza preview at our Pizza Cooking Class this past month as Debbie Cook shared her Pampered Chef products and recipes in creating/serving many different (delicious!) pizzas using our garden goodies for our guests.  Thank you everyone for your appetites and support as we raised over $120 from individual donations along with a percentage of Pampered Chef sales to be applied towards the building of the brick oven by Kyle Gault and the earning of his Eagle badge.

Our “Cooking, Planning, and Canning with the Garden of Concord” summer series continues this month with a canning class scheduled for Saturday, 7/28 from 2-4pm.  More info to be processed soon!  Also this month, we look forward to tasting that first ripened tomato sandwiched in between some Duke mayo (and a little pesto:) at our Tomato Sandwich Supper on Friday, 7/27 at 6pm!  MMMMMMM! 

We began “Tasty Tuesdays” last month and will continue the first Tuesday of each continuing month as we share our garden with the community while encouraging them to “Taste and see that the Lord is good!” (Psalm 34:8)   Please invite your friends and neighbors (including yourself!) to visit the garden and enjoy some of God’s abundance..for free!  We have also begun our “Water Nights” on Tuesdays to help kool the Kidz followed by a thyme of continued fun on Thursday nightz with “Kidz Thyme”!

Thank you everyone for your prayers and support of our garden.  It WILL be good!

-Donna Poe
Garden Coordinator