Monday, November 5, 2012

Still Growing in the Garden!

Hi everyone.   

While our plantings are cooling down with winter fast approaching, our membership has been heating up over the past couple of weeks with 6 new garden families joining!  We are still harvesting lots of fall greens and root veggies to include Kale, Swiss chard, Salad mix, Spinach, Arugula, Collards, Beets, Turnips, Carrots, and Radishes.   Our Sweet potato digging has ended with all our tasty treasures sweetening in the greenhouse.    

As our “official” nights have ended, the garden will continue for a few weeks to have “open” hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4pm till dark for harvesting as well as on Saturdays 9-noon for more harvesting and finalizing tasks for winter preparation. 

Our “Final Fruits Luncheon” will be on November 18th at 12:30pm.  Please invite your family and friends to join us as we share in food and fellowship with covered dishes and celebrate all the many garden blessings received from our God.   Our 2013 garden calendar will be available for preview with orders taken that day and delivered in time for Christmas gift giving.  We will also have an assortment of garden gifts and t-shirts on hand for purchase at the luncheon. 

Our community pizza oven is still baking and in prayerful need of some dough!  Any donation would be so appreciated and tax deductible.  Please make checks payable to Concord UMC and indicate the “Kyle Gault Eagle Project”.  Thanks! 

Thank you all for your continued support and prayers for our garden. 

It WILL be good!
-Donna Poe
Garden Coordinator