Thursday, March 25, 2010

Join us for a FREE movie and popcorn!

This event is part of the "Where's Your Food From" Discussion/Film Series presented by Chatham Marketplace in Pittsboro. Come early (6:00?)to join us for dinner! I'm looking forward to trying their hot/cold buffet (it looks delish!) They also have a great grilled chicken sandwich that I have tried-yum yum! A wonderful co-op to visit and shop at. I've contacted the owner and she is excited about our garden members attending and sharing our good news by displaying our brochures. Hope many of you will join us!

It WILL be good! -Donna

This Friday, March 26th at 6:30 PM

at the Chatham Marketplace in Pittsboro (480 Hillsboro Street)

to see

"King Corn"

A feature documentary about

two friends,

one acre of corn,

and the subsidized crop

that drives our fast-food nation.

The movie is followed by a discussion

led by a panel of experts.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

No workday "morning" on Friday, March 19, 2010

Our first Friday workday "morning" has been cancelled for this week, but will resume next Friday from 9-Noon. We will be working in the garden as scheduled this Saturday from 9-Noon along with sharing our joy of the garden to potential new garden members at our Open House/Garden Tour.

It WILL be good!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I"rish" we were planting potatoes tonight...

GREEN is in the forecast instead! Salad Greens and Collard/Mustard Greens are the planned plantings for this St. Patrick's Day evening in the garden. The potato plantings are postponed till Saturday so they can dry out some more. Hope to see many of you there. It WILL be good (and GREEN!)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Extra Hours of Daylight in the Garden

SO excited that our days will be longer and we have more time to spend in the garden! Tonight we will be planting carrots, beets, turnips, peas, and spinach. If you don't feel like getting your hands dirty and would like to take a nice walk (or drive) instead, we have some flyers that can be passed out to our neighbors inviting them to our open house/garden tour this Saturday. On Wednesday, we will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in the garden while we plant Irish Potatoes. Go green! So glad to be growing again in our garden!

How great it was to see all of you we have missed while the garden was sleeping. We had several memberships renewed and also a very special new member join...Welcome Baby Brooke to the Garden of Concord! We had to unfortunately decline a membership..Petey the pup was not adhering to the rules of no walking on the beds or running in the garden!

Thank you everyone for your help today and continued support of our garden. New/Renewal Membership forms are now available. Please see me or Sally Brown to renew your membership for the 2010 season. The fee is still only $10.00 per year and additional donations are always welcomed and appreciated! Next Saturday, our open house and garden tour will continue as we pray for more sweets (thanks Sally!), nice weather, and new garden members. Remember to ask your friends and neighbors to "Come Grow With Us" and tell them that "It WILL be good!".

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Updated Garden Hours

Monday 5:30-7:30

Wednesday 5:30-7:30

Friday 9:00-Noon

Saturday 9:00-Noon

The garden is always open to pull weeds, pick herbs, or just breath and enjoy its beauty. Just make sure you turn the electric fence off (and back on!)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Container Garden...

for a "Container Garden". While you are spring cleaning, be thinking of old pots and containers that would provide a good home for a lovely potted plant in our garden. Plastic pots, half barrels, old water tanks, oil drums, large tin cans, old boots, polystyrene fish boxes, old wheel barrow, wagon - if they can hold soil, we can adapt them. Just make sure the container is large enough to hold a good volume of soil (the bigger the better). It will be good! -Donna

New hours for working in the garden

Monday - Wednesday: 5:00 - 7:00 pm

Friday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Saturday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

To "dig" or not to "dig"...

...that is the question-that I have been working on! Because we had such great double diggers last year on the North side of the garden in addition to almost half of the total beds successfully cover cropped through the winter, it looks like we might be able to refrain from having to double dig all the beds and focus on only the ones that deep rooted vegetables will be planted in. We will also be utilizing a fun tool called the broadfork that is being loaned to us by another community garden. That should save some of our energy and efforts for maybe digging a couple new beds as theme gardens (ie. butterfly, edible flowers, cut flowers). Planning on spending a good part of the day tomorrow breathing in some fresh spring air in our garden! Hope to see some of you out there! It WILL be good! -Donna

Welcome to the Garden of Concord

"The Garden of Concord" is a community garden created on the grounds of Concord United Methodist Church in Eli Whitney, NC. Support for starting the garden has been provided by the Council of Ministries of the North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church. It is a garden dedicated to the community, to be worked and shared by the community. No experience is necessary. We will learn and grow together. Membership is open to all people who want to work together to grow fresh, healthy organic fruits and vegetables.

Our Vision: To plant a garden. To work it. To provide a means for those in our community, both in and outside the church, to experience Christian fellowship, love, and joy through the sharing of our gifts and fruits of the garden. It will be good. (Gen 2) The garden (100' X 150') is a collective (not individual plots) community garden with (27) 25’X4’ wide raised beds at present. Operating under the basic principles of sustainable agriculture, our crops are grown without fertilizers or chemicals, relying instead on cover cropping, manure, and the compost we make ourselves. Initially the ground was plowed with a member’s tractor but now all ongoing and future tasks – carting manure, weeding, planting, etc. are done manually. We are striving to work and give back to the land as stewards of God’s creation.

Membership in the garden is $10 a year per family with a commitment of working 4 hours a month and a share of the harvest, with a portion donated to the local ministries of the church. Members of the garden and anyone else interested may contribute to the “feeding of the soil” by saving their kitchen waste in a lidded bucket and bringing it to the church weekly to add to the compost bin. The garden is always open “to be worked and taken care of”. We also have regularly scheduled workdays on Monday and Wednesdays 5pm-8pm and Saturday 9-Noon.

Presently we are growing a wide assortment of seasonal crops, cut flowers, perennials, and herbs. Our children’s garden area consists of a sunflower house, bean teepee, and pumpkins. We have a beehive, a grape arbor entry, picnic tables and a children’s play area for when they get tired of gardening! Future plans include a native plant area, wedding garden, pavilion, garden shed with greenhouse, vegetable and fruit perennials, “how to” workshops, youth group projects, and so much more.

Feel free anytime to stop by for a visit to take a look at the garden or for a guided tour, stop by during a scheduled “workday”. You can also contact Donna Poe (336 512-7434) at anytime for more information about our garden.

We are especially interested in sharing and inviting to the garden, children and young people to observe, plant, and learn. We have kid-sized tools and play things for when they get tired of gardening. Parents, this is a great way to get your kids to try new veggies!

While we are growing good things to eat in the garden, we also seek to build community relationships. Periodically, we will have meals together, and will participate in other events outside of the garden several times a year. The garden is a wonderful place to meet new people, make friends, and share our celebrations and our concerns with each other.

We will be working to build relationships, encourage each other in our gardening efforts, and provide support for those interested in starting gardens in their own communities in Central North Carolina.

Come grow with us!