SO excited that our days will be longer and we have more time to spend in the garden! Tonight we will be planting carrots, beets, turnips, peas, and spinach. If you don't feel like getting your hands dirty and would like to take a nice walk (or drive) instead, we have some flyers that can be passed out to our neighbors inviting them to our open house/garden tour this Saturday. On Wednesday, we will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in the garden while we plant Irish Potatoes. Go green! So glad to be growing again in our garden!
How great it was to see all of you we have missed while the garden was sleeping. We had several memberships renewed and also a very special new member join...Welcome Baby Brooke to the Garden of Concord! We had to unfortunately decline a membership..Petey the pup was not adhering to the rules of no walking on the beds or running in the garden!
Thank you everyone for your help today and continued support of our garden. New/Renewal Membership forms are now available. Please see me or Sally Brown to renew your membership for the 2010 season. The fee is still only $10.00 per year and additional donations are always welcomed and appreciated! Next Saturday, our open house and garden tour will continue as we pray for more sweets (thanks Sally!), nice weather, and new garden members. Remember to ask your friends and neighbors to "Come Grow With Us" and tell them that "It WILL be good!".