Thursday, March 25, 2010

Join us for a FREE movie and popcorn!

This event is part of the "Where's Your Food From" Discussion/Film Series presented by Chatham Marketplace in Pittsboro. Come early (6:00?)to join us for dinner! I'm looking forward to trying their hot/cold buffet (it looks delish!) They also have a great grilled chicken sandwich that I have tried-yum yum! A wonderful co-op to visit and shop at. I've contacted the owner and she is excited about our garden members attending and sharing our good news by displaying our brochures. Hope many of you will join us!

It WILL be good! -Donna

This Friday, March 26th at 6:30 PM

at the Chatham Marketplace in Pittsboro (480 Hillsboro Street)

to see

"King Corn"

A feature documentary about

two friends,

one acre of corn,

and the subsidized crop

that drives our fast-food nation.

The movie is followed by a discussion

led by a panel of experts.