This week we will be planting a big box full of Spider Lily bulbs (thanks Shirley!!), bunching onions, leeks, and some flowering trees (where's our "grunt workers"?!). We will also be working on (and figuring out how to!) build a tent trellis for the peas out of bamboo, as well as prepping (cutting), placing, and filling with soil, the wine barrels for plantings (another "man" job?).
On Wednesday (now dubbed "Kid's night in the garden") will be full of fun and activities for our junior members led by Jessica Dean (thanks again Jess!!).
All of our new plantings (the theme beds and blueberry bushes) need alot of handwatering so if you happen to be around and want to water them, that would be great (don't forget to turn off the electric fence..and back on:0)
We have also "planted" the announcement and order form for the Mother's Day Flower Sale to the members of our churches (Concord and Bethel). The flowers this year will be 4" begonias potted, wrapped, and ribboned for $5.00. This is our only fundraiser planned at this point so please share our sale with all your friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Order forms can be picked up at the garden, Bethel UMC, and Concord UMC. I will send one by email with more details shortly.