So glad we held off on our plantings the other night with the threat of a late season frost. We will try again for Saturday to get some summer transplants in and pray for no more frost scares! Basil, parsley, leeks, marigolds, calendula, rosemary, chives, tarragon, and lavender are leaving my porch and moving into the garden! We still have lots of fresh "greens" to pick, along with a few splashes of red (strawberries and radishes)!
Maybe join us for food and fun at the Haw River Festival in Saxapahaw after working in the garden. Our junior garden member Evie Becknell will be performing in dance under the direction of our new garden member Debbie Cook around 1:45 (Can't wait to see!) Also Rebecca Von Hoene and her husband will begin their new season of sales at the Farmer's Market and handing out our garden brochures as well(thanks Rebecca!).
You know...It WILL be good!!