and stops around 5:30 tonight! If it does, this is what we will be working on in the garden and continue through the week...
- Side dress peas in Bed #'s 4 & 6 with compost.
- Widen Bed #14 with broadfork and add more compost.
- Spot cover open areas.
- Plant cucumbers in tray.
- Finish planting marigolds on ends of beds on South side.
- Plant seeds and plants in Medicinal Garden.
- Plant basil seeds in Herb Garden.
- Plant Leeks in North Herb Bed.
- Hunt for potato bugs and weeds.
- Plant trees where placed. Backfill dirt with added compost.
- Stake blueberry bushes where needed.
- Planting tomatoes in Bed #'s 2 and 3 (Wednesday).
- Cage in pea plants (Wednesday).
- Green bean tunnel in children's garden (Wednesday).
We are still harvesting LOTS of greens, herbs, spinach, and now onions. We have Mother's Day Flowers available still to "harvest" as last minute gifts! Choose from zinnias, dianthus, yellow daisy, snapdragon, and verbena (all in a variety of colors). $5.00 each or 5 for $20!
There is also a GAB meeting tonight at 7pm in the meeting room of Concord UMC. All garden members are invited to attend.
Thank you to all of our Saturday "planters" as well as all of our garden members for your help and continued support of our garden.
It WILL be good!