..with the peas and potatoes blossoming, peanuts, corn, and beans popping, and the greens are oh so green!! Here is what we will be working on this evening if it is not raining! -Donna
Wednesday, May 12th in the garden…
What we are harvesting:
Herbs (Oregano, Parsley, Thyme, Sage)
Lettuce Mix
Collard/Mustard Mix
Swiss Chard
What we are working on:
- Add more compost to Bed #14 along the East side.
- Add compost to North side of Bed #16.
-Add approx. ½-1”compost to Perennial beds (outside in front of garden).
“ “ to grapevines on either side of arch opening.
“ “ to Bed #8 around onions and turnips.
- Cut/shape/install wire to secure drip tapes on beds.
- Stake trees and bb bushes where needed.
- Adjust netting on bb bushes.
- Mulch planted trees with grass clippings and pine straw.
What we are planting:
Bush beans in Bed #22 with corn.
Leeks on East side of Bed #21
Basil on sides of asparagus bed.
Herb seeds in North Herb Bed.
Zucchini and yellow squash in Bed #16.
Cantaloupe in Bed #13.
Nasturtium down center of Bed #16.
Fill in with soaked corn seeds in Bed #23 and 24.
Planting remaining trees.
It WILL be good!