Sunday, January 2, 2011

"Just gardening..." NOT in January!

Yes, the garden is most definitely sleeping soundly while we gardeners rest as well, and begin looking forward to another year of abundant harvests in 2011!

Thank you everyone for your help, support, donations, and prayers for a great past WAS really good!

While we won’t be turning any dirt or planting until later next month, we will be turning the pages of seed catalogs and planting new ideas at our Garden Advisory Board meeting on January 17th at 6:30 pm at Concord UMC. The public is invited to join us while we share thoughts and suggestions for our continued growth to include crop selections, garden events, and the possibility of seasonal memberships.

What a great New Year’s resolution towards a healthier lifestyle…

”Grow in the Garden of Concord!"

It WILL be good!

-Donna Poe

"Just Eating" in January!

As many of us are regretting that extra cookie (or two…or three!), we look forward to the new year and our recommitment to a healthier lifestyle of exercise (ugh!) and good eating practices.

Beginning in mid January, we will be offering a 7-week Bible study led by Eric Prenshaw, our garden intern, entitled “Just Eating,” in which we will explore what it
means to eat well in relationship to our own bodies, other people, and the earth. This curriculum aims to shape a way of life with food that flows out of a deep understanding of how food connects us with God and all of Creation.

Each week, we will begin by “just eating” a shared meal together while reflecting on the past week’s discussions, readings, and selected Scripture. Through our course of study, we will pray together, celebrate the Eucharist, discuss our day-to-day eating habits, the Christian faith, and the needs of the broader world. We will explore faith practices which encourage healthful eating, enjoy some short films on food awareness, and discuss spiritual disciplines that may be new to you, while providing support to each other in taking personal and congregational action that reaches beyond this seven-week curriculum.

We have ordered a limited number of participant books so please let me know a.s.a.p. if you would be interested so that we can order more if needed. We are hoping to start Wednesday, January 19th to continue through the following 6 weeks to conclude before Ash Wednesday. The exact start date and weekly day will be confirmed shortly contingent upon Eric’s class schedule.

Like dieting, it is always more fun to work at it together and I pray that many of you will want to join us on this journey of “Just Eating” according to God’s will.

It WILL be good!

-Donna Poe