Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Garden is Awake!

“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.”
(Genesis 2:15)

Garden greetings everyone!  After a chilly wet past few weeks, our garden is now officially wide awake and we are so thankful to be finally beginning our 5th year of The Garden of Concord!  Though our “Wake Up” day was brisk, we were warmed by God’s presence as we shared membership info, healthy treats, door prizes, plenty of garden work, and a plentiful harvest of overwintered veggies.  Lots of great pics on our garden Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.519523028085955.1073741825.129413523763576&type=1&l=c62d0462b5.   We also welcomed 15 new family memberships along with many renewed memberships!  Praise God!  

Membership is open to anyone interested in learning about and growing healthy food to be donated to those in need in our community along with taking home a share of the daily harvest.  No experience is required..just a desire to enjoy working and taking care of God’s creation while experiencing unity within the community through shared fellowship and the love of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Our workday’s remain the same this year which are on Saturdays from 9-noon and Tuesdays and Thursday evenings 5:30-7:30 (beginning after the time change).  Kidz Thyme, a program for our Jr. Gardeners meets Thursdays from 6-7pm.  Annual membership per family per season is $10 or $25 for all three growing seasons (Spring, Summer, Fall).  We also have “Garden Angel” memberships available for those that choose not to work directly in the garden, but want to donate towards memberships for those who do!  Any additional donations towards our ongoing expenses to grow and share God’s love in fellowship and fruits are greatly appreciated!

We enjoy many “out of the garden” activities to include those scheduled for 2013 listed below.  We will also be hosting several “Pizza Parties” in our soon to be completed brick pizza oven constructed by aspiring Eagle Scout, Kyle Gault.  Donations are still prayerfully requested and so appreciated for the completion of this project.  We will also hold another series of informative workshops over the summer with details to follow soon.  Our garden activities are always welcome to ALL members of our church and community and not just garden members!  We hope many of you will join us.

2013 Garden Event Calendar:
-Garden Dedication with Crosswave, Saturday 4/6.  
-Mother's Day Flower Sale 5/5-5/12
-Wellness of Chatham Health Fair 5/18 (Sat) 10-1
-First Fruits Luncheon 5/19 (Sun) at 12:30
-Tomato Sandwich Lunch 7/21 (joined with VBS lunch)at 12:30
-Harvest Dinner 9/7 (Sat) at 6pm
-Final Fruits Luncheon on 12/7 (Sat) at 12:30

Thank you everyone for your support and prayers!

“God saw all that He had made, and it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31)
-Donna Poe
Garden Coordinator