Monday, May 7, 2012

Amazing new garden video!

Check out our new video shot on location with actual garden members (not actors:)
It WILL be good!

Thanks Cat Newsome for putting it together!

What is growing in our garden this month?

Greetings Gardeners!

Our garden is growing and filled with an abundance of God’s Goodness!  Despite the heated temps, our spring veggies are still prospering to include plenty of spring mix, Romaine lettuce, spinach, strawberries, and radishes.  We have begun harvesting our garlic and turnips and soon to be sugar snap peas and beets.  Our potatoes are doing great along with recently planted Chinese cabbage, leeks, celery, peanuts, Swiss chard, basil, tomatoes, flowers, and popcorn with our melons and squashes to be transplanted to the garden soon.

Our Food and Faith Bible study which began and concluded this past month provided many blessings to all who attended as we nurtured our minds, hearts, and bodies with God’s wisdom, food, and fellowship.  Many thanks to Daniel as he helped us to be ever so thankful to God for all He provides to include our garden in harvesting food for many and planting the desire to work and take care of His creation through the watering of His love to our community. 

Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 19th to attend the Wellness of Chatham Health Fair
at the Mary Hayes Barber Holmes Park in Pittsboro. The event runs from 11am-2pm… a day filled with lots of family fun as we join other groups/businesses in reaching out to many in healthy lifestyle and food awareness.   

Our Mother’s Day Flower Sale will be on Saturday May 11th as well as on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May12th. An assortment of lovely 4”potted plants wrapped and with cards will be available for purchase at the garden on Saturday and in the Concord CafĂ© on Sunday. The suggested donation is $5.00 each.  Pre-orders are welcomed!  Thank you everyone for your continued support towards our garden!

Come grow with us…It WILL be good!

-Donna Poe
Garden Coordinator