Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Because of Him, it WILL be good!

Hey everyone!

Hoping the rain on Saturday came as a blessing to all of you in possibly needed rest and catching up on indoor activities (I am now caught up and ahead in my school work AND the house is clean!)

This week, we will have extended garden hours 5-dark on Tuesday and Wednesday to get caught up and ahead of our plantings AND to finish cleaning up the beds and walkways. We will be working on planting our potatoes (finally!), along with some more onions, carrots, and spring mix. Children are invited to plant with their parents their seeds of Easter egg radishes and purple carrots! We will be harvesting more kale, some spinach, scallions, a few sprigs of asparagus, herbs, eggs, and a special treat for our kidz!

In reverence to our Lord and the events leading up to His crucifixion, we will not be working in the garden on Thursday or Saturday. The garden will, however, be open from 8-10am on Saturday for anyone wanting to spend some time in silence and prayer. We will have chairs set up around the prayer garden on the West side of the garden and on the East side around the cross. Please also consider visiting the Stations of the Cross inside the sanctuary which is a series of images with scripture readings regarding the events of our Lord's journey to His death.

Hoping many of you can join us Tuesday and/or Wednesday and I pray you will consider spending some time on Saturday morning with our Lord in His garden.

Because of His love and sacrifice for all of us, it WILL be good!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Showers of April blessings…

Hi everyone.

The presence of our Lord is warming the hearts of many as we are enjoying this glorious spring (almost summer!) weather and new growth in the garden and membership! . Over the past month, our garden woke up twice along with 8 new garden families joining, many renewals, and lotz of kidz! We were also blessed with several garden angels that enable all who want to garden with us (and need a little help with the membership fee) to do so. Thank you to all!

Our overwintered fall kale is still providing many harvests along with some herbs and early planted spinach. The garlic and strawberries are looking great and we have enjoyed a few sprigs of asparagus. Also planted for spring are several beds of spring mix, onions, carrots, romaine lettuce, beets, turnips, sugar snap peas, radishes, and broccoli. We have several summer veggies being pampered in the greenhouse to include lots of tomatoes, basil, Chinese cabbage, leeks, and celery. Next up to be planted are the potatoes, Swiss chard, flower seeds in the butterfly garden, eggplant, and peppers. Later in the month, we look forward to seeding more flowers, cantaloupe, zucchini, yellow squash, popcorn, and peanuts!

Out of the garden this month, we are excited to begin our Food and Faith Bible study led by Daniel Corpening on Wednesdays for three weeks (4/11, 4/18, 4/42) at 6pm as we enjoy good food (soup/salad), fellowship, and the study of God’s Word as it pertains to our obedience in healthy eating and the sharing of food to others. Mark your calendars for next month to attend the Wellness of Chatham Health Fair in Pittsboro on 5/19th. It will be a day filled with lots of family fun as we join other groups/businesses in reaching out to many in healthy lifestyle and food awareness. More info to follow.

Next month we will also be having our Mother’s Day Flower Sale from 3/5 – 3/13. Thank you everyone for your past support of this fundraiser along with our ongoing garden sales (t-shirts, notecards, etc.). The garden is funded thru donations only to include these two fundraisers, garden membership fees, and our garden angels who provide many blessings in plantings of supplies and members as well. If you are not already, please prayerfully consider joining our garden or becoming a garden angel to help us work and take care of God’s creation while sharing the love of Christ with many!

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow…The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor”. (1 Corinthians 3:6,8)

It WILL be good!

-Donna Poe
Garden Coordinator