Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Many Blessings in and out of the Garden this Summer!!

Greetings Garden friends! 
Praise God for the all the many ways He has shared His love to many through our community garden ministry and plantings.  This past month we began a pilot CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program in offering 10 families identified for us by school social workers at B.E. Jordan and Sylvan Elementary Schools as well as S.A.F.E. each a “Box of Blessings” for 12 weeks provided by “Garden Angels” and packed with fresh veggies harvested (and washed) from our garden.  The boxes are packed (and prayed over) on Thursday mornings with families picking up on Thursday afternoons during garden hours.  The families are invited to grow with us (but not required to) and many have!  We are continuing our regular donations to S.A.F.E. as well in which we have already doubled our donations as compared to last year at this time.  Thanks be to God!!

As we are thrilled to be entering into Week #5, we hope to increase our “B.O.B.” sharings to 15 in the fall (for an 8-week session) by offering another 10 through donations and extending 5 more shared to anyone wishing to purchase a box for their own families!  By year end 2016, our goal is to be at a total of 30 in which half would remain as benevolent shares.  More info on our new offerings to be forthcoming!  Thanks be to God again for His vision and leading!  

What are we harvesting in the garden?  Lots!!  Tomatoes are abundant as well as potatoes, Swiss chard, onions, garlic, peppers, eggplant, blueberries, cucumbers, beans, beets, basil, and carrots!  Sweet potatoes have been planted (900 plants!) along with more beans and buckwheat cover crop.  Other plantings can be found at our Garden Annex (Donna's house!) to include Butternut, summer squash, zucchini, and cantaloupe planted  for later sharing to garden peeps (and CSAs).  Keeping the squash bugs out of Eli Whitney (and so far no sitings in Snow Camp)!

So what else has been happening in (and out of!) the garden!  Our CoolBot (walk-in cooler) is complete and keeping our pending Box of Blessings fresh along with our overflow of harvested veggies for later sharing.  Our interns have been busy both working in the garden as well as off site in the pending production of a garden video by Garrett Rea and a website being developed by Taylor Smith!  We are thankful for our successful flower presentation for Andrew (our previous intern) and Justine's Hammond's wedding! (6 Bouquets/Boutonnieres, 16 Table and 2 Altar arrangements!.

Later this month, we look forward to enjoying that first ripened tomato sandwiched in between some Duke's mayo (and a little pesto:) at our annual Tomato Sandwich gathering to be held again this year in conjunction with our Vacation Bible School celebration luncheon on Sunday, July 26th at 12:30 pm.  Mark your calendars with more details to follow!  Invite your friends!

Thank you everyone for your prayers and support of our garden.
It WILL be Good!
-Donna Poe