Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Feeling like fall for sure!

After a loooooong "mui caliente" summer, what an incredible fall season we are experiencing in our garden. If you haven't been out recently, please consider doing so to experience the glory and abundance of fresh air and new growth of our many fall plantings in God's creation of our garden. Our peppers are still popping, Swiss chard still in supply, sugar snap and snow peas are flowering, kale, Chinese cabbage, and romaine lettuce are looking lovely, our greens and salad mix are de-lish, turnips and beets are bulging, and the okra is still climbing. This past Sunday, the Concord/Saxapahaw UMC youth groups worked their service project by planting garlic and flower bulbs in the garden.

With the days shortening, so will our garden hours. Presently, we are still meeting Monday and Wednesdays from 5:30-7 until daylight saving time ends. :( We will continue to meet on Saturdays from 9-noon through November 20th. Still plenty of things to work on as we continue harvesting and prepare our garden for it's winter slumber. Next week we will be installing row covers for our lettuces to hopefully extend their fresh enjoyment when it is frozen outside.

We will continue composting (and begin vermicomposting!) through the winter so any kitchen waste/garden debris/grass clippings/leaves/shredded paper, etc. will be "wormly" welcomed!

Thank you everyone for all of your incredible support, time, donations, labor, encouragement, and prayers for our garden. It has been REALLY good! -Donna