Saturday, February 4, 2012

It WILLbe good!

It WILL be good!

Hi everyone.
I remember often the day I went to “just take notes” at a workshop on community gardening. I remember the trip that was planned to go visit my sister in VA that weekend and the recent death of a beloved Concord church member. I remember wishing I had been a member sooner so that I would have met Miriam Dean. I remember hearing all the heartwarming and wonderful stories about her from her family and church family. I remember hearing about the upcoming workshop and that a refund for attendance was submitted because our Pastor would be presiding at the funeral on that day. I remember this tugging of my heart wishing that I could somehow go to that workshop but not wanting to disappoint my family. Where was this feeling coming from? I didn’t know how to garden really…mostly weeding my husband’s garden..dabbled with some lettuce and marigolds. Organic growing? What was that all about? I remember the elation when the trip plans changed. I remember immediately emailing Pastor David to see if I could go in his place and “just take notes”. I remember the constant fluttering of my heart as I took LOTS of notes while touring Anatoth Community Garden and learning all the ways that we could reach out to many by sharing, working, and taking care of God’s creation. I think what I most remember though is an overwhelming feeling, a silent voice (wasn’t sure then, but I now know who the voice belonged to )that kept saying to me… “it WILL be good!”

As we begin our fourth year of The Garden of Concord, I am continually amazed at the love and support that our Concord UMC church family and the community of Eli Whitney have shown through prayers, donations, and time spent in the garden. God has blessed our community with the knowledge of how to be good stewards of His creation by sharing His love to many through the planting of seeds of faith and watching them grow. The fruits of the harvest have nurtured the hearts and health of many through learning organic growing practices, food awareness, and new friendships, along with connecting our food to our faith.

This year, we are excited to join together again in food and fellowship at our favorite gatherings to include our First Fruits Luncheon, Tomato Sandwich Supper, Harvest Celebration Dinner, and Final Fruits Luncheon. We also resume our weekly Kidz Thyme program, summer weekly water fun nights, and Garden Gritz. Our work nights are changing to Tues/Thurs 5:30-7:30 and Saturdays from 9-Noon.

We have lots of new ideas planted to include a brick pizza oven and picnic shelter (Eagle Scout projects!), Bed Blessing donations, First Fruit Fridays and Sample Saturdays, and also working on our next summer series. A Food and Faith three week Bible study is planned for April to be led by Daniel Corpening, our garden intern, which will culminate with our annual “Blessing of the Garden of Concord” joined by Crosswave! We will be providing more details for all of these plantings in succession!

We officially “Wake up the garden” on March 3 with an encore presentation (snooze alarm!) on 3/10th and have tentative plans to co-host a public movie screening of “Fresh the Movie” at the Saxapahaw Ballroom on March 9th. Again, more details to follow as these plantings grow!

As you can see, I am really excited at all the plans and plantings God has in store for us in our garden and community. I thank you again, Concord UMC for your many blessings. It WILL be good!