Thursday, September 6, 2012

Our Fall season begins!

Hi everyone.   

As the simmer of summer cools down, we heat up again in the garden for our FALL SEASON which began September 1st and concludes 11/20.  We are still harvesting many summer veggies with a full plate of fall favorites planned and planted to include:  Baby lettuce mix, Beans, Beets, Butternut squash, Carrots, Collards, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Grapes, Herbs (lots of basil!), Kale, Peanuts, Peppers, Romaine, Radishes, Spinach, Sweet potatoes (5 beds full!), Swiss chard, Tomatoes, Turnips, Yellow squash, and Zucchini!

We are now accepting fall memberships!  To be a member of the garden, you simply pay a one-time fee of $10 per family for the entire fall season and commit to work only 1 hour per week (or 4 hours per month) for a share of the day’s harvest.  Our garden work days are Tues/Thurs 5:30 – 7:30 pm and Saturday 9-noon. No green thumb required…all instructions and tools provided.  Kidz Thyme is on Thursday nights! (6-7pm) which is an hour of supervised garden fun for our Jr. Gardeners!  Learn more by vising our blog at  “LIKE” The Garden of Concord on Facebook!

The garden has been filled with many blessings over the past few months as we have engaged in working and taking care of God’s creation along with sharing His love to many.  We received 6 new family memberships over the summer bringing our total family membership to 52 (9 Garden Angels, 27 Active, 2 Interns). 

Our Summer Series “Cooking, Canning, and Planning with the Garden of Concord” concluded with a highly informative and inspiring nutrition class that has planted much excitement among our garden members.  Plans are under way to have a successive 6 week (6 or less peeps) nutritional group to “weigh in” (w/o scales) their concerns, successes, and questions on their diet plan as led by Traci Phillips.  Also we are working on an extended summer series for next year in which Traci will go into more details over a trio of workshops of how to better take care of the bodies that God blessed us with by enlightening us on how our bodies react to the foods we eat and tips on ways to eat that is not only healthy, but will glorify God in the process.

Our annual “Tomato Sandwich Supper” and “Harvest Dinner” were both filled with God’s goodness of fantastic food and fellowship (and music by the Galloways and friends!).  Thank you everyone for your donations of food and time as well as gifts to the garden.

As we say so long to summer, we also bid farewell to our chickens.  It was decided that they would be much happier with the Fiorello family in which they can free range and frolic daily.  While we will miss their daily chatter, we look forward to building new beds in their fenced area and creating a shade house to grow spring plantings in the summer.  How great it will be to have fresh lettuce and spinach with our tomatoes!

“Tasty Tuesdays” this past Tuesday was terrific with new several new garden friends joining us!  Our next "Tasty Tuesday"is on October 2nd during garden hours.   This special day happens on the first Tuesday of each month for folks wanting to “Taste and see that the Lord is good”! (Psalm 34:8)  There are fliers around town inviting anyone wanting to try out the garden for a night and receive some free vegetables.  Invite your friends and family!

Many garden blessing to all of you and we look forward to hopefully sharing some pizza next month baked  in our new pizza brick oven!
It WILL be good!
-Donna Poe
Garden Coordinator