Saturday, February 28, 2015

It's that Thyme!

“What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it?  It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you plant in the ground.  Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in its shade.” (Matthew 13:31-32)

Greetings garden friends.  On Saturday, March 7th, we invite the community to “Wake-up” the Garden of Concord for its 7th season of plantings of God’s many blessings!  We look forward to welcoming back our gardeners and hopefully meeting many new members!   We will have door prizes, fresh hot pizza from our brick oven, yummy snacks, kid’s crafts and activities, garden tours, and opportunities to work in the garden.  The fun starts at 10am and continues till 1pm.  More details on our flier posted under "Pages" to the right of this page!

It has been a blessing to be the coordinator for our garden over the past 6 years.  As we are many parts of the body in Christ, our garden ministry would not be possible without the grace and leading by God along with the many prayers, support, and gifts shared by our garden members, church family, and community.  The Garden of Concord has provided for many a glimpse of “What shall we say the kingdom of God is like…?” It has been a place of hope, healing, and happiness as we work together in unity as a community as stewards of God’s creation.  It is about witnessing and working with multi-generations, races, and faiths while offering and experiencing Christ’s love in abundance.  It is about “Seeing God in the Garden” as we enjoyed our study led by the amazing “A-Team”, Andrew and Almuth this past month! 

The following passage is from a lovely book shared by one of our garden angels that describes (better than I can!) why and “What we love about Gardening”:

“Before God created man…before He created animals, fish, or the stars in the heavens…
God created vegetation.  God not only provided seed-bearing plants for our sustenance;
He gave us beauty to enjoy in the flowers and the varieties of flora found throughout the
world.  Why do we enjoy gardens of all types?  Imagine God’s delight as He spoke the
words and new growth sprang from the earth.  That delight is mirrored in our faces as
we marvel at what we’ve nurtured, whether an herb in our kitchen window or a large plot
of vegetables we plan to sell (share or donate!).  Each experience is like sharing something
with God.  Gardening gives us the chance to see the miracle of life spring forth from a
seed or cutting.  Watching a plant grow and produce is a vision of God’s care for us as
His children.  Gardening is a way to provide for our family and friends, just as God
provides for us.  Every time we share fresh produce or a plant we’ve raised, we are
extending God’s love to those around us.  I can’t imagine a better way to share Christ
than to give to others from the fruit of our hands.”
(Inspiring Thoughts for Gardeners, 2010 Barbour Publishing, Inc.).

Thyme to garden!  It WILL be good!

-Donna Poe
Garden Coordinator